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R&D Technical Services wishes to advise customers with an update of our business continuation through the Coronavirus pandemic. We have developed a Pandemic plan for all our staff to follow, a copy of this can be found below. 


At this current stage, we will be operating with business as usual and our after-hours call out business remaining unaffected. We have closely followed the steps and recommendations outlined by NSW Health and the World Health Organisation to keep the health and safety of our employees a priority. 

Additional measures have been taken to ensure PPE is current and up to date, for example, all staff are now issued with hand sanitizers and masks. 


The situation surrounding COVID-19 is rapidly evolving and R&D Technical Services will continue to follow the requirements and advice of the Government and remain agile in adapting our policies to best align with recommendations. 

We ask for you to support our team by advising us if anyone within your organisation tests positive for COVID-19. 

coviD-19 POLICY

Download our COVID-19 plan
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